
Little Things Nobody Talks About that Push Men Away

I see this happen all the time with really smart, inspiring women. 

There are little things we do and say that have pushed us forward in our career, but also push men away. And instead of having great guys pursue us for a loving, committed relationship, these small things keep us from having the deeply fulfilling partnership we desire.

In this episode I welcome Sherrie Toews, a licensed therapist and one of the experts on my team, to break down these small patterns that we repeat over and over that are keeping us stuck and pushing high-quality men away.

To learn more, listen to the podcast below

P.S. If you’re ready to for a fresh start in 2021 and want this to be the moment you create the life you’ve always wanted: a life with no limits, the life you’ve dreamed of, where you are the woman who has it all…career, fulfillment, purpose and LOVE with an amazing man who is your equal, use the button below to join me for Ignite Your Life in January!

Marni Battista

Is a Certified Love and Relationship Expert specializing in helping high-achieving women find love.

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