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Episode 85


Mike Goldstein

A Proven Strategy for How to Get a Boyfriend in Less than Four Months

Episode 85

A Proven Strategy for How to Get a Boyfriend in Less than Four Months


Mike Goldstein

Dating Den Episode 85 – With Mike Goldstein: A Proven Strategy for How to Get a Boyfriend in Less than Four Months

Do you constantly over analyze your interactions online with men?

Is trying to understand them, what turns them on and what turns them off, so CONFUSING you’re constantly thinking… WTF?!

Do you feel helpless and frustrated because the guys you
email once or twice disappear, and you have no idea what you did

If a guy you thought had potential disappears, do you beat yourself up and wonder, “what’s wrong with me?”

If you want to know how to get a man to be focused on you and only you…

AND if you’re ready for next-level results with men online…

I have a treat for you!

Mike Goldstein is back in the den for updated online dating advice. He is a successful private, one-on-one dating coach who has gotten 83% of his clients into a relationship! He is a public speaker, an author and has been featured on The Today Show, in Readers Digest and Shape Magazine.

Ladies, heed this man’s advice!

How to Find Someone You Like on Match [2:41]

Mike says all of his methods are based on math and science. It’s basically a numbers game. With his 50/12/1 rule, the woman sends out 50 emails to men based on their profile picture. 12 men normally respond and then she chooses the 1 she likes best from the responses.

Having a quick, 10-minute phone call can help ease a woman’s mind if she doesn’t feel comfortable yet. After that, let the man know you are ready to go on the date. Mike says to limit dating to one good date a week though to avoid confusion.

Men want to know what the endgame is and are happy to get to the date as soon as possible, so ask him out!

Playing the Game & Getting the Info [11:53]

Ladies, once you get to the date enjoy yourself. Be honest and if you had a good time end the date with a heartfelt thank you and tell the guy that you had a great time. And then, DO NOTHING! Don’t text him later, don’t call him, don’t do anything. Mike says this is important information gathering time. You will find out if he likes you and how much by waiting him out.

Online Dating Photos and the Profile [17:58]

The most important thing about your photos and possibly your entire profile is that your face should only fill 8-15% of the picture box. If you have 6 amazing photos and one lifestyle photo that is enough for the guy to figure out if he is attracted to you. He checks out your photos first and then reads your profile if he is attracted.

It is key to be specific in your profile. A man wants stats, clear information, easy to understand pieces of information. Ladies, don’t use adjectives to describe yourself! Again, be specific. Try starting a sentence would be ‘A typical Friday night would be…’.

So, How Should I Respond? [36:49]

The goal of online dating is to find love and you may not have time to respond to every message. If you feel like every message deserves a response, Mike recommends crafting a simple ‘this isn’t a good fit’ reply message you can copy and paste as needed.

And, don’t get caught in the texting loop. If you are looking for love you don’t have time to waste on a guy who won’t pull the trigger.

Men are the gas women are brakes in a relationship.

Make a Connection:

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