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Episode 77


Jordan Harbinger

The Real Truth from a High-Quality Man on How You Can Become Rejection-Proof

Episode 77

The Real Truth from a High-Quality Man on How You Can Become Rejection-Proof


Jordan Harbinger

Dating Den Episode 77 – With Jordan Harbinger: The Real Truth from a High-Quality Man on How You Can Become Rejection-Proof

No matter how many times you’ve been there, (and you remind yourself not to get carried away)…

You do anyway.

You meet a new guy and think, “This could be IT… he could be the one.”

Everything is going sooo well…

His texts, his voice, his sense of humor, the touch of his hands, all feel absolutely right.

And then… boom! It’s over.

You feel the CRUSHING the disappointment…

It’s like a punch in the gut.

Something happens and in a matter of seconds your hopes and dreams of a lasting, loving relationship with this seemingly GREAT guy… is gone.

You feel rejected.

On today’s podcast, you are going to learn how to become rejection proof!

Returning guest, Jordan Harbinger creates the life he wants to live. He offers up advice on how to deal with rejection and why it is important to trust your gut.

Jordan has been called the Larry King of podcasting but of course is younger and much better looking. He is a Social Dynamics Expert. As host of The Jordan Harbinger Show, he deconstructs the playbook of super successful people and translates it into practical, consumable pieces for those who want to learn and live the life they desire.

Listen to Your Gut [9:25]

Jordan compares his previous career break to a relationship going sour. He knew he should leave his past career but his future was uncertain. He didn’t have a clear plan and was apprehensive about ‘losing’ what he had. Then when things started to get really bad and an amicable split was impossible, he drew on his family and friends for emotional support and successful entrepreneurs for business advice.

Make a list of your assets and what you bring to the table to reflect upon when you need encouragement.

Are You Really Being Rejected? [20:50]

If you go out with someone a few times and you like them but they don’t like you in the same way it can feel like rejection. But, rejection seems to only happen early in a relationship when we get hung up on a person. Rejection is just an illusion of having a deeper relationship than what actually exists. Sometimes, we feel rejected but the other person just has a shallow filter. Kind of like when you limit your dating to only tall guys. It’s not that short guys aren’t a good fit for you, it’s that you never give them a chance.

Men stop contacting a woman for a variety of reasons. It is not because there is anything wrong with the woman. Men either aren’t ready for a relationship at that time in their life or the woman just isn’t a good fit.

Guys want to settle down at different times. It has little to do with women.

Baggage Claim – Lose Your Luggage [30:50]

Jordan says women should be able to go out and have a good time on a date without constantly bringing up their past relationships. It can be overwhelming for a man to hear about a date’s past relationships when he just wants to have a drink and have fun.

Ladies, let your guard down! Don’t put your shield up if no one is attacking you.

Make a Connection:

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