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What Others Are Saying
Arielle Ford
Author of The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction

“Highly recommended!”

Dating Guru Marni Battista combines heartfelt experience with extensive practical guidance to provide proven solutions to finding and dating high quality men. Her advice will give you everything you need to finally find the love of your life. Highly recommended!”
Carol Allen
Vedic Astrologer and Relationship Coach, Author of Love Is In The Stars – The Wise Woman’s Guide To Men,

“Feel like it’s raining quality men”

“If you’re a typical modern single woman, you’re thoroughly exhausted, discouraged, and even depressed from dating (or even thinking about dating!). This book can utterly change that. Through sharing her own painful but ultimately triumphant journey to love as well as anecdotes from her thousands of coaching clients, Marni offers so much hope. If you feel you’ve wasted years on the wrong men, in the wrong relationships, or as your own worst enemy, this powerful memoir and practical ‘how to’ will enable you to find the way to ‘date with dignity’ and heal your heart, grow your self-worth and confidence, and feel like it’s ‘raining QUALITY men’ at last, ultimately leading to your own triumphant happy partnership. (Best of all, by following Marni’s simple ‘Dating With Dignity’ program, you don’t have to spend years ‘working on yourself’ to be ‘ready’ for love and create massive results!) I highly recommend it.”

Marci Shimoff

“This is a must-read”

“Marni Battista, dating expert for women, shows how important it is to have self-love and set personal boundaries through her personal journey to finding love and happiness. This is a must read for all women who are feeling stuck in their dating life and repeating the same mistakes over and over again, preventing them from finding true happiness.”

Attract Your Equal.

How Smart, Successful Women Find The True Love Of Their Life.


Your Destiny

Discover how your personality type is secretly shaping your future.