Discover how your personality type is secretly shaping your future.


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We’ve recently expanded our podcast… Welcome to Life Check Yourself. Every week you’ll get the raw truth from top experts and real people on the important life and love issues you want to know about. Whether you are laughing out loud, frantically writing down the exact words to live your most authentic life, or finally understanding why something isn’t working in your relationships, this is true talk that’s unfiltered to help you create a life filled with more fun, freedom, fulfillment, and meaning.

 So if you’re ready to life check yourself … in your relationships, your career, and the areas of your life that matter most to you … And you’re not afraid to be called out on your uh, stuff then you’re ready for what’s next!

Check out our previous episodes here on this page and subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!

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“Dating Guru Marni Battista combines heartfelt experience with extensive practical guidance to provide proven solutions to finding and dating high quality men. Her advice will give you everything you need to finally find the love of your life. Highly recommended!”

Marci Shimoff

As I'm making my way through the modules, I found this and I'm keeping it with my collection of quotes. It just resonated with me!

"Live courageously and take risks, come up short and rise again in the ongoing quest of humanity to repair what is broken and heal the self so that you can ignite the spark of life, of what is divine inside of life of meaning - the one that is the fullest expression of you"

I am going to share this with my kids and with Mitch. Thanks Marni Battista ❤️❤️❤️

Jill S.

One week into my 4 week experiment and I am already reassessing and adjusting. What is working is the WHY of my being here.. it has been a gift to be near this third of my family and the amazing little grand kids. I have managed time and quality time with them on my own terms, and with boundaries, with great response. The key to my freedom is to have my own place, set my own calendar, and work with my daughter in law to plan things with the kids, but also balance my personal time.

All in all, and considering my priorities and my WHY, I am staying in high energy.. I love being here and will take challenges this coming week as a way to evaluate my experiments and my questions, and further reassess and adjust.

Rosanne M.

Hi Ladies!  In doing the Life Wheel exercise, most of the outcomes and goals were similar to the checklist and it was good to see the consistency and greater depth the journaling brought. Still lots to continue working on in the areas of intimate relationships and health/wellness!

Kristen S.

Before joining this program, I tried pretty much everything -- online programs, books, workshops-- but nothing worked for me. Everything is different since joining LCE. 

I am different. I love myself 100%. I take care of myself. My job is different. My health is different. Of course, the most important thing I got from this program is a long term committed relationship with an amazing partner, who I can’t wait to continue to create our lives together with.

Anya C.
Senior Consultant

Before working with Marni and her team, everything was such an effort for me and I didn’t have a clear vision of how to get where I wanted to be. I had a sense of it, but I didn’t know how to get there and how to ultimately dream a bigger dream. 

As I stand here today, I can tell you that every single part of my life- every relationship that I have, is deeper and richer already and from here, the only limitation on who I can be and what I can do is what I can vision for myself.

Angie H.
Executive Coach

From the very first conversation that I had with Marni, I could see that she understood me and my pain… but I also realized that this wasn’t going to be an easy fix, but rather a long term investment in myself. 

After joining this program, I am now in the most healthy, committed relationship I've ever been in with a wonderful man. I have stronger family relationships, stronger relationships with my friends, and have seen amazing growth in my career. There are so many areas in my life that are successful beyond anything that I could have imagined.

Julie S
Founding Partner

Since finding this program I can't even believe how much my life has changed. I pinch myself everyday, I'm just living the life of my dreams! My business is going really really well, I'm launching new products, I’m opening new markets, the profitability is up, the revenue is up, and I'm doing all of this while in a relationship.  

We're both very adventurous, we both love to travel.  And so I've changed my business model so that I can run my business from anywhere in the world. We're just having so much fun I pinch myself.  Marni and her team are like nothing I've ever come across before in my life.

Jennifer M
Business Owner

Trekking over 300km in the high Himalayan Mountains with the love of my life is my definition of bliss. 

Your program remains the most life-changing program of my life.

Urdah H.
Product and Purchasing Manager

Through your program, I realized I was being a victim my whole life, which was the most eye opening part. It helped me to see things differently and change who I was so that I wasn’t going back to my old habits. I got a great guy that has helped me to grow and be a better person. I am so grateful to you.

You had a huge influence on my life decisions and I’m eternally grateful for that!

Danielle C.

Attract Your Equal.

How Smart, Successful Women Find The True Love Of Their Life.


Your Destiny

Discover how your personality type is secretly shaping your future.