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Episode 132


Chris Gillis

How Do I Get a Quality Guy to Pursue Me?

Episode 132

How Do I Get a Quality Guy to Pursue Me?


Chris Gillis

Dating Den Episode 132 – With Chris Gillis: How Do I Get a Quality Guy to Pursue Me?

This is big.

This episode of the Dating Den is going to give you answers to questions you’ve had for LONG time, like…

What’s the #1 BEST way to get a guy to notice you…

Or how do you be both feminine AND direct at the same time?

How about we pull back the curtain and reveal why men are afraid to ask you out?

Or how to send a clear message to the RIGHT kind of guy?

You’re going to get all that and more because today, Marni welcomes Man Panelist Chris Gillis back to the Den to discuss the fine art of getting the right kind of guy to notice you, the do’s and don’ts of texting, and the problem with playing manipulative games.

Listen NOW << ==

The Fine Art of Getting a Quality Guy to Notice You [4:41]

The men of Marni’s Man Panel say it’s just as scary to approach women as it was 20 years ago. But now, they are worried about something new!

Chris thinks they may be using these fears as an excuse. Men require a certain level of confidence to go after what they want.

So, what can women do to give a clear message to the right kind of guy when they want him to ask her out?

Chris says there is an art to putting yourself in the way of a guy…

Find out what it is HERE << ==

The Lowdown on Texting [13:09]

How are women supposed to know if it’s ok to initiate a conversation via text?

When is it crossing the line?

Will it be perceived as too masculine or too assertive?

Marni is in the old school camp when it comes to texting. Chris says things are different today.
And dating apps have changed the game.

Get the inside scoop from a quality guy on texting HERE << == It’s easy to forget that we all have our flaws and our triggers. There is no need to play games. There will be natural tension in dating just because we are human. Unless you are looking for a guy who lacks confidence or needs validation, give him a break if he makes a mistake. Men don’t get a manual either. Find out the #1 best way to make a man comfortable so that he will pursue you and a whole lot more on this important episode of the Dating Den!

If you want to find the high-caliber man you desire, make an appointment with the Dating Den experts at

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