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Anahita Joon

Dating Den Episode 188 - With Anahita Joon: How to Find Your Feminine to Invite Pursuit


Dating Den Episode 188 - With Anahita Joon: How to Find Your Feminine to Invite Pursuit


Anahita Joon

Dating Den Episode 188 – With Anahita Joon: How to Find Your Feminine to Invite Pursuit

Marni welcomes Development Coach, Author, Speaker, and Podcast Host Anahita Joon into the Dating Den. On her God, S*x, & Everything in Between podcast and in her book, Beauty Unleashed Anahita helps women restore their energy and feel more lovable. She has 27 years in personal development work and is known as a modern priestess and medicine woman.

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • What your hair color says about you
  • How to nourish yourself with the feminine expression of beauty
  • Find your harmonic colors
  • Collecting evidence about your magnificence

Not Feeling Beautiful? It’s Not Your Fault [4:06]

Anahita reminds us of the unnecessary pressure put on women because of societal expectations. We are constantly bombarded with what others think real beauty is. Our beauty is not found in make-up. Everything in life is sourced from your relationship with yourself.

She recommends we learn how to see through new eyes to see our magnificence. Once you see it there is no way to unsee it. Think about the women you see that are exuding confidence and joy. It doesn’t matter what they look like they are beaming.

Can you look at the mirror and love yourself?

Breaking Free From Your Story [10:44]

We don’t live in our bodies, we live in our minds. Most women don’t feel safe to live fully in their bodies. By magnifying your sacred feminine you can radically change your life and learn to love yourself deeply.

Mother Nature doesn’t make mistakes.

Anahita says that everything is vibration. There is a unique vibration that comes through your hair, skin, and eyes. It’s the sacred triad. It forms a unique frequency. In her work, she studies 3500 colors to find the 50-75 colors that harmonize with a woman. Her work helps women discover the sacred feminine, the goddess part of themselves.

We have been taught that we have to mold ourselves into certain roles, to be respectable, to get ahead, or to be seen as virtuous. But, it is such a lie. We use our vital energy to fulfill someone else’s expectations. Let’s start directing our energy to the pleasurable things in life.

Using Color to Create Harmony [19:32]

70% of all communication is visual. If we dress in harmony with our essence people will see our true nature. When you wear the colors that are in harmony with your sacred triad you get in harmony with yourself.

If your natural hair color is brown and your eyes are brown, learn to love brown. It’s the color essence of who you are. There is an opportunity to come into congruence. Fall in love with who you are.

When it comes to aging the best we can do for each other is to honor each other’s choices.

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