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Chris Gillis

Dating Den Episode 256 - Bachelorette Recap with Chris Gillis: That One Thing Men Are Looking for More than Good Looks


Dating Den Episode 256 - Bachelorette Recap with Chris Gillis: That One Thing Men Are Looking for More than Good Looks


Chris Gillis

Dating Den Episode 256 – Bachelorette Recap with Chris Gillis: That One Thing Men Are Looking for More than Good Looks

This Bachelorette recap features real-life dating advice taken from the most recent episodes of the show. Marni and Man Panelist Chris Gillis talk about what is going on behind the scenes with Katie. She was extremely guarded, unlike the authentic, likable character she displayed on previous shows.

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Internal strife shows in your body language
  • The show is just a game after all
  • Single parents have different dating rules
  • How vulnerability can soften tough blows

Maybe Love Doesn’t Conquer All? [2:10]

When Midwesterner, Michael A. had to break up with Katie we all understood. He says he needs to be a great dad first and this dating show is just a game. He bails but for all the right reasons. He is a genuinely cool dude with a lot at stake. He is a business owner, who is responsible for people other than himself.

Katie didn’t leave with him. Maybe reality set in and she realized he, and his situation, wasn’t right for her. It is a great example of being in a relationship with someone who has kids to consider.

Marni and Chris agree that Katie went into game-playing mode since she knows she will choose Greg anyway. The question is… why is she suddenly showing up like Fembot 3000? Her body language displayed annoyance and she had her guard up. All the things that made her likable seemed to have disappeared.

Finally, the producers found a fun group of high-quality guys to be on the Bachelorette.

Get Rid of Bad Energy with Honesty [16:57]

What should you do if you are having a crappy day and have to deal with something you don’t want to do? Or deal with someone you don’t want to date? Marni says if you find yourself in a similar situation try dipping into your vulnerability and articulate how you are feeling. Honesty and integrity go hand-in-hand when it comes to these kinds of situations.

Greg, Blake, or Justin? [27:45]

Chris predicts Katie is keeping Justin around as a place-holder and will ultimately choose Greg. But, he thinks Greg may not want to be had after how his phone blew up with other offers.

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