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Bevin Farrand

Dating Den Episode 230 - With Bevin Farrand: How to Stop Putting Off the Things that Will Make You the Most Fulfilled


Dating Den Episode 230 - With Bevin Farrand: How to Stop Putting Off the Things that Will Make You the Most Fulfilled


Bevin Farrand

Dating Den Episode 308 – With Bevin Farrand: How to Stop Putting Off the Things that Will Make You the Most Fulfilled

On this week’s Dating Den, Marni speaks with the Founder and CEO of Collaborate.Work, Bevin Farrand. Bevin supports small businesses and entrepreneurs in developing and executing strategies to increase revenue. She has also created the ‘Take the Damn Trip’ movement and community. Her DAMN framework has inspired hundreds to connect with the people they love and do the crazy things that make all the difference.

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Choose a path of meaning and significance
  • Appreciate meaningful moments
  • Get clear about what you want
  • Take micro-actions to reach your goal
  • Prepare for the relationship of your dreams

The DAMN Framework [3:35]

In 2019, Bevin and her husband took an amazing trip to France to celebrate her birthday and reconnect with each other. Bevin had just been laid off from her job and was hesitant to take such a lavish trip. But, she did and she will be forever grateful. Shortly after their return her husband just didn’t wake up one morning. Her life was turned upside down.

Bevin created the DAMN framework to help others make the most of their lives now:

  • Decide and declare
  • Attend your own party
  • Meaningful moments
  • Now is the time

Bevin says we go through life confusing permission and support. We unconsciously ask people for permission to follow our dreams. If you ask someone who cares about you what they think of your dreams, they consider how they feel about it and if it’s uncomfortable for them, they will start to eat away at it. But, we don’t need permission. We need to decide what we want and ask for support.

Stay present in the moment and understand you are creating the experience of life through your own thoughts. We create our own suffering, our own joy, and our thoughts can change in an instant.

Get Clear About What You Want [27:40]

Bevin’s advice to young women who want to find their soulmate but wait for a different day or put it off until tomorrow is to get clear about what they want. In dating, if you are clear about what you want you know when something is not right for you which is equally important.

Live a fully expressed life yet be open to the possibility of meeting the person you want to spend more time with.

Be willing to accept that your life will change when you are in a relationship.

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